To The Big Guy

Yesterday the big man of the Cebuano art scene was laid to rest up on the beautiful breezy hills of Talamban. 

Sir Jethro Estimo was a big part of Streetkonect, he always supported the team's crazy endeavors for the local art scene, he seemed to not mind the cluttered composition of the group or the slightly crude post production of shows, he never seemed to mind that the things we did were a bit odd and sometimes random. 

He sat through those meetings, he sat through our bad jokes, he sat through our fleeting ideas, without judgment but with pure support and the desire to help or advocacy.

He wasn't just all brawn but all heart and wit as well.

We'll miss you Sir, we'll see you when we'll see you, maybe then we can have another crazy art show, but this time with unlimited beer and food. 

Here are some tribute artworks that we compiled from various artists.

by koloWn
"Gone too soon, big man. Rest In Power, Jethro." by Chad Manzo
‪#‎30minutesketchbeforezzz‬ by Happy Garaje
"It was because we stood on the shoulders of a giant | His work captured every bit of the cebuano flavor of wit and humor. Dako mig pasalamat mga batan-ong musunuray ninyo sa art + design sa Cebu. Rest in Peace sir Jethro!" by Marc Abuan
"I think sir Jethro is ok wherever he is, doing tagay and deadlifts in one breath of stardust. Hi sir, thank you for teaching me illustrator and making fun of my Instagram compulsions. Don't make fun of this one, haha." by Monica Alcudia
by Soika
"May you enter the gates of the afterlife like a rockstar. RIP sir Jethro Estimo\m/" by Lean Luis

RIP Sir Jethro Estimo
September 21, 1975 - February 1, 2015